4th, 5th & 6th Grade
Students are taught from The Lutheran Catechesis Series by Concordia Catechetical Academy. And we use Bible stories for daily prayer and learning.
Memory work includes: memorization of Bible verses, Luther’s Small Catechism, and hymns related to the topics of study.
Topics include addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, time, money, measurement (customary & metric systems), geometry, decimals, fractions, statistics & graphing, ratios, proportions, percent, and positive/negative numbers. Grades 4 & 5 use Saxon Math.
Language Arts
A comprehensive program covering reading; decoding, vocabulary, and comprehension skills, grammar; parts of speech, punctuation and capitalization, spelling, and writing skills. The program is supplemented with other skill developing work from various sources. Novels as well are read that model good literature focusing on teaching literary, comprehension and vocabulary skills. We use Journeys published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt.
Minnesota History
The course traces the history of Minnesota from its first inhabitants to present day. Students learn Minnesota’s history through the use of secondary and primary sources. They read the actual stories of many Minnesotans. Also students discover how the geography of the state affected and shaped its history. Grade 5 & 6 use Northern Lights: The Stories of Minnesota’s Past by Dave Kenney.
Art lessons that focus on various skills; color identification, coloring, feathering, cutting, symmetry, silhouettes, drawing, sketching, tracing, adding details, etc. The basis is Art with a Purpose: Artpac2 by Share and Care Publications.
Physical Education
Students participate in a wide variety of activities that involve many motor skills. Our program consists of stretching, exercises, running, jump roping, gymnastics, and games. The students also participate in Presidential Physical Fitness Testing in the spring.
Students participate in a variety of musical experiences including performances during chapel services, a Christmas program and spring musical, movement and singing. They also have the opportunity to practice different rhythms through the use of musical instruments.
Students develop mouse and keyboard skills through computer class. Students are also provided the opportunity to use the computers for educational games and research.