7th & 8th Grade
This class uses Concordia’s One in Christ series and our units cover the topics of: God and His Word , The Articles, Lord’s Prayer, Commandments, Worship: in Liturgy and in Life, and The Sacraments: Baptism and the Lord’s Supper Witnessing.
We learn the books of the Bible, various hymns, and Bible verses that support on units.
We are using Saxon Math. We cover topics of whole numbers, decimals, geometry, fractions, equations, ratio/proportion/percent, integers, measurements, perimeter/area/volume, and statistics.
Spelling Vocabulary by Houghton Mifflin is used for spelling. We do various phonics and language arts activities as we learn the spelling and meanings of new words.
Language Arts
We are using Abeka Book’s grammar and language series. Sentence structure, capitalization, punctuation, parts of speech, and writing skills are presented throughout the curriculum.
This course of study looks at the wonders of God’s creation and presents scientific topics from a biblical worldview. God is the creator of all things. The class text comes from Purposeful Design Publication. Seventh and eighth-graders study Earth and Space Science and Life Science. Students engage in textual readings and assignments and complete various labs.
Social Studies
Grade six is studying the history of Minnesota by using Northern Lights from the Minnesota Historical Society Press. The upper grades are using American Republic published by Bob Jones University Press to study the history of the United States from colonial times to the present day.
The class studies a variety of literature genres through the use of Holt McDougal literature series as well as reading various novels throughout the year. Focus is placed on plot, conflict, character development, point of view, setting, vocabulary, etc.
Physical Education
Students participate in a wide variety of activities that involve many motor skills. Our program consists of stretching, exercises, running, jump roping, gymnastics, and games. The students also participate in Presidential Physical Fitness Testing in the spring.
Students participate in a variety of musical experiences including performances during chapel services, a Christmas program and spring musical, movement and singing. They also have the opportunity to practice different rhythms through the use of musical instruments.
Students develop mouse and keyboard skills through computer class. Students are also provided the opportunity to use the computers for educational games and research.