“Serve the LORD with gladness!” Psalm 100:2

Ladies Aid/LWML

The combined Lutheran Women’s Missionary League (LWML) and Ladies Aid welcomes all sisters in Christ to join us for Bible study, fellowship and encouragement, and service. Each woman is encouraged to use her unique God-given gifts as she supports others through our ministries.

Our group has several circles that meet every month the entire year. Our meetings are held on the 3rd Tuesday of the month at 1:00 p.m. in the church basement. We alternate between LWML meetings and Ladies Aid meetings bimonthly.

LWML Bimonthly Meetings

January | March | May | July | September | November

Ladies Aid Bimonthly Meetings

February | April | June | August | October | December

Naomi-Dorcas Circle

February | April | June | August | October | December

This circle meets in the evenings, as not all can attend daytime meetings. Naomi-Dorcas meets the 1st Thursday of the month at 7:30 p.m. at the parsonage bimonthly.

Mission Statement

Our mission is to encourage, promote and foster Christian sisterly love and fellowship among its members and the members of the congregation. With focus on:

  • Studying the Bible at each meeting

  • Supporting, as an auxiliary of the Church, the charitable endeavors of Synod, and to assist the congregation whenever and however possible

  • Developing and maintaining a greater missionary consciousness among the women of the society through mission education, inspiration and service


We support our church family, as well as LCMS and Christian efforts near and far.

  • Alter Gild & Performing Church Upkeep

  • Care Packages for Veterans and College Students

  • “Spring Plates” and Christmas Gifts for Shut-In Members

  • Visiting and Sending Cards to Sick Members

  • Scholarship Program for St. Johns Members

  • Donations for Maple Leaf Services, Inc. and AbleLight (Formerly Bethesda)

  • Mite Box Collections – used toward district and national mission grants

Luncheons/Special Meals

Each summer we host an ice cream social luncheon for our church and community. The funds raised at the meal go toward our scholarship program for St. Johns members. We also host a special meal for St. Johns Lutheran School every school year, and we assist with meals for church functions, such as funerals.


The Minnesota South District holds annual district rallies and conventions. Members are encouraged to attend to hear speakers, the latest news, and learn how St. Johns’ efforts have impacted our district.