Parent Teacher League (PTL)

Meeting Dates 2024-2025

A meal will be served at 5:30 pm in the church basement with the meeting starting at 6 pm. Childcare will be available!

  • Wednesday, September 25

  • Wednesday, November 20

  • Wednesday, January 8

  • Monday, March 10

  • Wednesday, April 30

Participation is highly rewarding, benefits your child, and gives you a chance to stay in the loop and in Christian company.


  • President: Jen Eickhoff

  • Vice President: Tina Howard

  • Secretary: Erin Dahlen

  • Treasurer: Ann Keim

The PTL is a vital part of the Christian education process at St. Johns. Our active network of parents and teachers is committed to enriching education through new opportunities and fundraising. Your membership with PTL begins with your child’s enrollment, which is an advantage, since being active in PTL allows you to voice your ideas, express concerns, learn about our school, and find enjoyment in getting to know other affiliated families. With PTL, there is always something fun in the pipeline! We strongly encourage you to not only attend our meetings, but to make time in your busy schedule to lend a hand with fundraising activities, field trips, special meals, school plays and much more. Participation is highly rewarding, benefits your child and gives you a chance to stay in the loop and in Christian company.

PTL Objectives

  • Bring parents and teachers into closer cooperation

  • Acquaint parents and friends with the work of the school, and with Christian education, in general

  • Stimulate one’s personal interest in the school

  • Promote the general welfare of the school by carrying on constructive activities, which benefit the school